Sell with us and join our international distribution network


Keep Out is constantly looking for retailers and distributors all over the world (outside Italy). By becoming a Keep Out retailer you will enrich your assortment with an Italian and Made in Italy brand, with a strong identity and values in which we hope you will be able to recognize yourself. We are proud of the kind of relationship we have with retailers and distributors – trust and respect relationships that often have been lasting over decades.


We are actively committed to ensuring that you can count on a range of high-quality products, regularly revived through launches, re-assortments, re-issues and special collections.

Fill out this form and tell us where you are and what you want, and we will be in touch to provide you with the information you need and to discuss the best proposal with you!

Se hai appurato che il prodotto che cerchi non è disponibile presso nessuno dei rivenditori che hai scelto, potrai comunque acquistarlo online o nel nostro flagship store di Casale Monferrato: per conoscerne orari e posizione, puoi cliccare su questo bottone.

