Responsibility, according to Keep Out

Entrepreneurship, for Keep Out, is first and foremost a responsibility: to employees, customers and suppliers, but also to wide audience and less close people.

From our point of view, a business that is unwilling to take care of the society in which it operates, should simply not exist.


The only way to truly honour this belief is to return part of the wealth that we have created and of the privilege that we have had. This is also included in the manifesto that guides our action.

Keep Out choices, in facts

Our company’s history is full of collaborations, collections and initiatives closely linked with charity projects: we will continue and offer our support to organizations and associations that we feel close to our way of interpreting our being in the world, and doing business in Italy.


Over the long term, Keep Out has chosen to provide economic and continuous support to two causes that we feel close to our emotional DNA: the education of children born in disadvantaged conditions and the quality of life of people suffering from incurable diseases. You can find more details about the projects promoted by Keep Out in this section

Keep Out and its charity projects


